【ヴェネツィア】アカデミア美術館 ヴェロネーゼ Venezia - Galleria dell Academia, Veronese





Paolo Veronese's "The Feast in the Levi Family".

In fact, it was completed in 1573, which invites the final supper, but Veronese was ordered to write because it was considered to be secular and secular.

Veronese said that he changed the theme from the Last Supper to the Feast of the Levi family, cheating on the mundane paintings and rewriting it into its current form in three months.


『聖カタリーナの聖なる結婚』。 1573年に描かれた作品。




"Holy Matrimony of St. Catherine". A work drawn in 1573.

Veronese was born in Verona in 1528 and died in 1588. One of the Venetian masters along with Titian.

Veronese is known for his works that make full use of the Mannerist style that was popular at the time, but he is also good at using colors.

This work is also very colorful, and the power of Veronese, who is said to be a color magician, is fully demonstrated.




"Announcement of conception" drawn in 1578.

Behind it seems to be the church of Santa Maria Nova by Palladio, which was just completed at that time.





A work depicting the scene of the execution of Christ.

The crucifixed Christ is in the center, and people can feel the movement, but there is an overall stable image.



The theme is the same, but the screen structure is very different. This work was drawn in 1582. Veronese's latest work.

Christ is depicted in the upper left, from which a wave of people continues to the lower right of the screen. This divides the entire screen into the upper right part and the lower left part, and the contrast is vivid.

(Translated by Google Translate)
