【フィレンツェ】ウフィツィ美術館 ウッチェロ Firenze - Gallarie degli Uffizi : Paolo Uccello
Room 7-8にある、ウッチェロの『サン・ロマーノの戦い』の前には、多くの人だかりがあり、それは絶えることはなかった。
There was a lot of people in front of Uccello's Battle of San Romano in Room 7-8, and it never stopped.
Paolo Uccello was born around 1387 in the suburbs of Florence.
When he was young, he worked in Ghiberti's workshop.
He also worked as a mosaic craftsman at the Basilica of San Marco in Venice.
The painting depicts the battle between Florence and Siena in 1432, and Uccello painted three panel paintings on the theme of this battle.
Later purchased by Lorenzo de'Medici and owned by the Medici family, one of the other two works is at the National Gallery in London and the other at the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Uccello's work is truly distinctive and has a unique atmosphere.
It retains the characteristics of the so-called International Gothic style, but on the other hand, it uses perspective, which was the most advanced technique at the time, and the medieval tradition and the new style of the Renaissance coexist.
The scene is a fierce battle, but it has a static impression that time has stopped, and it looks like a decorative work.
Compared to the Battle of Anghiari, which Da Vinci tried to draw on Palazzo Vecchio, its characteristics are well understood.
According to Vasari, Uccello died in poverty as he worked so hard on perspective research that he gradually became less in touch with the people around him.
But he didn't seem to be that poor in reality.
Uccello's work will be met again later at the Church of Santa Maria Novella.
(Translated by Google Translate)