【フィレンツェ】ウフィツィ美術館 パルミジャニーノとサルヴィアーティ Firenze - Gallarie degli Uffizi : Parmigianino & Salviati







Parmigianino is introduced at the beginning of Gustav René Hocke's "World as a Labyrinth", which widely introduced Mannerist art.

This book made Parmigianino the leading painter of Mannerism.

Born in Palma in 1504, he moved to Rome around the age of 20 and used it as a base for his activities, but he seems to have been greatly influenced by Raphael's work, leaving many reproductions.

However, what makes this masterpiece of Parmigianino called "Madonna with the Long Neck" different from Raphael's Madonna and Child.

Still, Vasari praised the painting as "a maniella full of grace and beauty."




This Madonna and Child also depicts a world that is completely different from Raphael's view of the world.

The skin color of the infant Jesus on the lap of Our Lady is like a dead man.

Parmigianino returned to his hometown of Parma after Rome was overrun by Spanish troops, but died in 1540 at the young age of 37.





Salviati was born in Florence in 1510 and studied painting under Andrea del Sarto and others.

After that, he moved to Rome, where he met Vasari, and after that he often made frescoes with Vasari.

This work called "Charity" does not have a mysterious atmosphere like Pontormo or Parmigianino, and at first glance it looks like an orthodox work.

However, if you look closely, the angels clinging to the woman in the center look more seductive than spoiled.
