【ローマ】パンテオンとハドリアヌス帝 Roma - Pantheon and Hadrian
From the big street with the Torre Argentina Square, enter the small street and head north for a while, you will see a huge and old building on your right. It's the Pantheon.
When I went out to Rotonda Square and looked back, I could see the whole picture of the Pantheon.
The Pantheon is the only ancient Roman building that remains in its entirety in the city of Rome.
The Pantheon, meaning "of all the gods," was built in 27 BC by Agrippa, an aide to Augustus, but was subsequently lost in a fire and rebuilt by Hadrian in 118 BC.
The current building, which was rebuilt by Hadrian, is still more than 2000 years old.
Passing through the huge pillars in the front and entering it, the inside is filled with light from the skylight of the dome and it is very bright.
Looking up, I was overwhelmed by the presence of the huge dome.
The diameter of the dome is 43.3 meters, and its size proves the height of ancient Roman building technology.
Mankind has long been unable to create anything beyond this dome.
In 1434 Brunelleschi completed the cupola of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, finally creating something comparable to the Pantheon's dome.
Brunelleschi is said to have traveled to Rome with Donatello when he was young, touring the ancient Roman architecture and studying its structure and characteristics.
Of course, Brunelleschi must imagined how the Pantheon dome was made and how this huge ceiling was supported.
The Pantheon was initially a temple dedicated to the various gods worshiped by the ancient Romans, but the Roman Empire soon became the state religion of Christianity.
The Pantheon could also be demolished as an old god-worshiping facility, but fortunately it was used as a Christian shrine in the early 7th century and escaped destruction.
Even today, there is a magnificent Christian altar in the innermost part of the Pantheon.
The light from the skylight in the center of this dome creates a monument of light in the hall, depending on the position of the sun.
This light is said to illuminate the entrance to the Pantheon on April 21st. April 21st is said to be the day Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome, laid the foundation for this Rome.
It is believed that Emperor Hadrian was aware of this and changed the direction of the entrance to the Pantheon from the direction that Agrippina built.
Emperor Hadrian was one of the five wise emperors who brought about the heyday of ancient Rome, and while he ruled the empire as a Roman emperor, he was deeply modeled in culture and art, and had a strong admiration for Greece in particular.
In addition to the Pantheon, he created Villa Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli near Rome, and these architectures had a lot of influence on posterity architects.
Marguerite Yourcenar wrote a novel called "Recollection of Emperor Hadrian", pondering the complex inner nature of such a multifaceted Emperor Hadrian.
Yourcenar wrote in his novel that Hadrian changed the design of the Pantheon by Apollodorus, which he did not like. Some historians believe that Hadrian designed the Pantheon.
British historian Gibbon describes the era of the Five Good Emperors as the happiest era of mankind in "History of the Decline of the Roman Empire."
When you are in this Pantheon built in that era, you can feel the breath of that era a little.