【ローマ】ボルゲーゼ美術館 ベルニーニ  Roma - Museo e Galleria Borghese & Bernini






Visiting the Borghese Gallery is almost the same as visiting Bernini's work.

Bernini is an architect and sculptor, most of his works in Rome. He doesn't know much about architecture, he's probably out of the gate about sculpture, and he's unlikely to go abroad.

To see Bernini's work, you must visit Rome.

One of his masterpieces, "Rape of Proserpina," is based on Greek mythology and depicts the scene where Pluto, who governs the Netherworld, plunders beautiful Proserpina.

Pluto is trying to force her disliked Proserpina to be her own. The marble shows how Pluto's fingers bite into her soft Proserpina skin.




"Aeneas and Anchises" depicts the scene in which the hero Aeneas escapes from Troy with his father Anchises in the Trojan War.

For Bernini, who is known for his dynamic expression, this work gives a quiet impression.

According to Mario Praz's essay, Bernini referred to a statue of Christ by Michelangelo in Rome in making this Aeneas.






"David" was produced from 1623 to 1624 on the order of Cardinal Sipione Borghese.

Bernini completed it in about 6 months because it seemed to be an order for a celebration and the deadline was limited.

As it is a statue of David, Bernini seems to have been aware of Michelangelo's famous work. It is said that this expression of Davide reflects the expression of Bernini himself.

But unfortunately, when it comes to this statue of David, Michelangelo has to be better than Bernini.





Daphnis and Chloe, produced between 1622 and 1625, is a treasure trove of the museum and a representative of Bernini's self-confidence.

When Duffness touches Chloe, the dramatic scene where Chloe turns into a tree is beautifully expressed.

The tip of Chloe's long hair has already turned into leaves. Bernini's threatening technique causes its metamorphosis in a marble sculpture that shouldn't move at all.

When I stare at this work, I get caught up in a mysterious feeling that I can't say anything about. Scary, Bernini.





Two self-portraits of Bernini were exhibited at the Borghese Gallery. This is one of them, and although it may have been exaggerated to some extent, the natural expression of a person named Bernini can be clearly seen.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini's life was mentioned in the St. Peter's Basilica, but he was born in 1598 to a father from Tuscany and a mother from Naples.

His family then moved to Rome, where the young Bernini was discovered by Sipione Bornese, who later died in Rome in 1680, not only sculpting but also designing St. Peter's Square.

It can be said that Bernini transformed the city of Rome from the "former ancient Roman city" into a new Baroque city.
