【ローマ】国立近代美術館 アメリカのアーティスト Roma - National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art & American artist
アンディ・ウォーホルのHammer and sickle。1977年に制作された作品。
The National Museum of Modern Art in Rome also displays works by contemporary American artists.
Andy Warhol's Hammer and sickle. A work produced in 1977.
At that time, Warhol was busy making celebrity silkscreen portraits, but he made several pieces of this hammer and sickle.
The hammer and sickle were symbols of the Soviet Republic at that time, and the color red seems to have that meaning.
ジャクソン・ポロックが1947年に制作したWatery Paths。
Watery Paths produced by Jackson Pollock in 1947.
It is said that the work was donated to the Guggenheim Museum in Venice by Peggy Guggenheim, who created it.
Peggy Guggenheim was born in New York as the daughter of a millionaire, but she has a villa in Venice, which is now a museum.
A photographic work taken by Man Ray from 1921 to 1928.
Man Ray has a strong image of being a Surrealist who was active in Paris, but he was born in New York between Ukrainian and Belarusian Jews.
He initially worked as New York Dada with Rrose Sélavy, but eventually moved to Paris.
Man Ray called his photographic work Rayograhy, combining his name with the word photo.
This work is also one of those Rayograhy works.
1964年に描かれたThe Fall of Hyperionという作品。
Cy Twombly is one of my favorite painters and I was very happy to meet Cy Twombly's work at this museum.
A work called The Fall of Hyperion drawn in 1964.
Twombly was born in Virginia, USA, but later married a prestigious daughter in Rome, after which he lived in Italy until his death in 2011.
This work was drawn when he was living in Italy, and in Twombly's work where it is difficult to understand what is drawn, something like a bird is drawn in the center, and on the left It is relatively easy to understand, as something like a person is drawn.